Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Healthier Us

Well I have always been very finicky when it comes to food. I don't like fruit...to smooshy. I don't care for vegetables...to smooshy, gritty and smell funny. Beef/pork/poultry...creeps me out due to the fact if under cooked it can make you sick, over cooked it tastes funny and is dry; when raw it bleeds and can have veins and other yucky things in it that just remind you that it used to be a living breathing animal. Oh and don't ever give me a piece of meat with a bone in it! Honestly I am surprised that I can survive off my current diet. Makes since though as to why I am not a stick...I only really like bread, pasta, some salads, Mexican and of course Caprese salad. Don't get me wrong I do eat meat every now and then. In fact last night we had shredded chicken with dinner. I do have to get protein from somewhere!  I don't like milk or Vegetable juice. Every now and then I will have a small glass of OJ, but that better be pulp free. So that leaves water, Starbucks and every now and then an occasional soda...fountain coke to be exact.  Deserts...eh...one bite and I am good. I do have my sweet favorites, but they are not a necessity in my world.
With my poor eating habits I do try to cook well for the kids and my husband (even though I don't like to; probably because of my lack of desire for food). I want to be sure  that Emily and Nick grow up with an understanding of knowing what healthy eating is. I don't want them to struggle with weight like I always have and I want them to be happy in their own bodies and with who they are. Food has a lot to do with our bone growth, brain development and even when our bodies go through puberty and whether or not we potentially have certain diseases. Sure if we are prone to disease due to genetics then they potentially can happen, but we can try our best to combat the sickness and even prevent other ailments. Many say exercise is the key to health; which it does help, but to me what we put into our bodies is the key to happy living. There is the saying "you are what you eat" I really see that as being true. I can tell when I have eaten like crap for I feel like crap or even worse have a migraine. I am starting to believe since no one can tell me any other reason for my migraines that they are food related. So with that being said...time to start making a healthier us!
In order to do this we will make changes in the food that we put into our mouths. A lot more of cooking in and a lot more of trying new foods...that's the biggest stretch for me! I have been hearing a lot from friends that gluten free foods may be the way to go. So this will be our next diet adventure. We have eaten organic and all natural as much as we can for some time now. So taking the next step to gluten free will make us that much healthier. At least I hope. I have been researching websites thanks to Pinterest and friends for ideas and the proper way of going about this new diet. As the weeks go on and I make progress with this new diet (staying positive to be successful!) I will post recipes we have tried and liked and goals that we have met.
Any information on gluten free eating and websites, stores and recipes that you may have would be greatly appreciated. I am off to search a new recipe for dinner and see if I have the patience to cook it!
Thank you to many of friends Tiffany Norton, Michelle West, Lindsay Kotzebue and so on; who have given me knowledge and inspiration for a healthier me. :)

Here are a couple of websites that have been referred to me for ideas and knowledge of gluten free eating:

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