Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year; New Happenings

Well I figured I would try this blog idea and give myself a different outlet other then Facebook to tell what is happening in our family. So where to start???

I'm going to rewind a quick sec and recap 2011-

2011 was a very trying year for us and sadly has followed us into 2012. We shut down our business in August of 2011 due to lack of income, all the taxes and all the stress of owning a small business. Don't get me wrong if I can open another business I would...just not in the fitness delivery field! We cut back on many expenses and decided to get rid of car payments! We ditched the brand new loaded vehicles for used paid off more fuel efficient cars. Right now we are still trying to find Chris a used Tahoe or truck. We had to get rid of Chris's truck before the end of 2011 since it was in the business name. If not we would have had to pay a huge amount in taxes and sales tax since we would have rolled the truck into Chris's name from the business. I guess the state and IRS don't see that we already paid sales tax and depreciation tax since we were the business owners!

Chris is now working for Precor Commercial Fitness. Doing the exact same thing, but under someone else's business and we get a guaranteed paycheck. However he is trying to get on with Boeing for a better financial future so we are hoping that all works out. So prayers will be great.

Also in 2011 Emily was cleared from the Neurosurgeon to only be seen for her brain cyst every two years. I still really am paranoid though with her hitting her head and I am sad for her as well because she is limited in the activities she can participate in. She so badly wants to do competition cheer, but they are required to do stunts and she is not allowed to. The neurosurgeon won't clear her for that. So we will be letting her do dance come spring and see how she likes that.

Nick is well. Growing like a weed and full of energy. He is so mischievous and into everything. Nick's health issues have been stable and not causing any further problems. So we have been very grateful. He is speaking so much better and speech therapy has been so helpful with him. His tubes in his ears have been working as they should and he is getting closer to his age group in speech because of the tubes. I am so grateful we caught the issue early on.

November 30th we lost our health insurance and at 12:35pm on December 1st I broke my right ankle...the tibia and fibula both had fractures. The tibia being the severe fracture and the bone broken completely off. The orthopedic wanted to do surgery but I refused. With no insurance the thought of surgery scared the crap out of me. Plus it sounds horrible but I did not want the scar that it would leave! I am still hobbling around. I was in a cast for six weeks and now in a walking boot for another four. The broken ankle was basically the icing on the cake of 2011.

2012 I am hoping will start to shape up. I really feel we can't hit bottom any further. We are taking the necessary steps to gain financial freedom. The thing we are fighting now is to modify our home loan. We have Chase for our mortgage and they are just horrible to work with. We refinanced our home back in 2007 in the height of the housing market and unfortunately we were scammed on the mortgage. I don't know how it worked, but the papers we signed were not the papers and loan we got from Chase. It has been really depressing and stressful. Chris and I have decided that if we are denied a modification then we will just walk away from the house. We are so not willing to pay the jump in the mortgage and feel this house is not worth that jump. I know it will hurt us credit wise and we will be renters, but hey crap happens and we just will have to rebuild our credit, plan for the future and learn from our past.

Just know I won't use this blog to vent about my crazy life. It actually feels good though to say what is happening in our lives. It's kind of refreshing. I am not normally the person who shares my life and let people in, but our struggles come to find out are not much different from that of many American's. I just keep telling myself that I am not the only person going through this. However a lot of the time it feels that way.

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